Friday, July 28, 2006

Some things about my job:
  • I supervise about 30 - 40 people. This is a fact which both fascinates and astounds me.
  • I have fired people so many times I can't count them all. I no longer feel bad about it for even a second. I've learned that they deserve it.
  • I have the type of middle management job that requires me to "work" for no more than 30 minutes per day. The rest of the day I try to entertain myself on the internet. I'm running out of things to read so if you can suggest some good blogs, bring it on.
  • Sometimes I tell my employees / co-workers that I am going to a meeting and either go shopping or go read a book in the park. This will eventually backfire.
  • I am so bored that I also spend a lot of time sending my resume out for other jobs. I was recently interviewed for a job that would require me to spend a lot less time on the internet. I am slightly nervous about this scenario.

Monday, July 17, 2006


One of the most annoying of all the people with whom I am forced to interact professionally is obsessed with and fancies herself a real-life version of Sarah Jessica Parker circa Sex and the City. The worst part of her obsession involves her use of strappy sandals as a visual aid of her love of SJP. As she could never afford Manolos or Jimmy Choos, she buys her strappies at Pay Less. My favorite pair is fuschia. She wears these with boring pants and button down shirts and oh, did I mention that she's about as feminine as Pat on SNL? And has the same body type? That's right...imagine Pat in khakis and a button down white blouse and fuschia strappy sandals from PayLess. Now, brace yourself. She NEVER gets a pedicure. Never even paints her own toenails, not even something boring like Ballet Slippers. Instead, she cuts her toenails as short as they will go without bleeding. And she has that white white skin that is so very white and never gets any color and is always very white with the chewed up toenails. God help me.

Thursday, July 13, 2006

Use As Directed

So, I'm sure it will become an ongoing theme in this blog, but I, have serious issues with depression. Very few people in my life know this, though. Just a few know that I take medication and I have always downplayed the severity of my condition. So, like many people, I'm sure that I will use this blog to discuss the situation. Anyhow, recently I read the book The Halfway House by Katherine Noel. As I was reading, I got really mad at the manic depressive character for not taking her meds. And then I realized that I never take my meds as directed. I'm supposed to take them daily and I only take them once or twice a week. no idea why. So I decided to start taking them and HOLY CRAP! Do you normal people feel like this all the time??? I've actually gotten out of bed more than 10 minutes before I have to leave for work. And I exercised one day! And I haven't cried on the bus once!

People are still gettin on my last damn nerve though.

Wednesday, July 12, 2006


Still learning the ins and outs of blogging so I am trying out "adding photos". This is the ceviche that my friend "F" made for me. I don't like ceviche but don't have the heart to tell F this, as it was so sweet that he made dinner for me that I almost cried. F had brought me the ceviche when I was working late and I actually threw it away because I didn't like it. So he invited me to dinner at his house and made the ceviche because I had told the little white lie.

Let the Games Begin

So this is my first blog. So far I'm not quite getting it, but people that I admire for their wittiness and otherwise cool attitudes tell me that blogging is IT.

About the name...well, I tried a few names and they were ALL UNAVAILABLE because some other people who aren't the Johnny Come Latelies to the blogging and all its coolness got there first. So if there are no brilliant remarks (In Your Opinion) don't blame me, because I finally gave up and googled "name my blog" and found a website that does that and I got "brilliant remarks." So we have to live with that.

Here's some things...I don't know how much I'll post about myself, because of dooce. See, I could really really get fired if I get going on the blogging with witty, brilliant remarks. So, I need to remain anonymous as to keep my job. Also, I'm virtually computer illiterate which I will get into when I discuss the Hometown. Where the Public schools did not have computers.

But now I'm going to post this and see what happens.