Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Let the Games Begin

So this is my first blog. So far I'm not quite getting it, but people that I admire for their wittiness and otherwise cool attitudes tell me that blogging is IT.

About the name...well, I tried a few names and they were ALL UNAVAILABLE because some other people who aren't the Johnny Come Latelies to the blogging and all its coolness got there first. So if there are no brilliant remarks (In Your Opinion) don't blame me, because I finally gave up and googled "name my blog" and found a website that does that and I got "brilliant remarks." So we have to live with that.

Here's some things...I don't know how much I'll post about myself, because of dooce. See, I could really really get fired if I get going on the blogging with witty, brilliant remarks. So, I need to remain anonymous as to keep my job. Also, I'm virtually computer illiterate which I will get into when I discuss the Hometown. Where the Public schools did not have computers.

But now I'm going to post this and see what happens.


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